4 Reasons To Get Adult Braces

A stunning smile may seem like a small thing, but it can make an incredible difference in a patient’s life. No matter your age, a beautiful, straight smile can boost your confidence, increase sociability, and give you an overall renewed sense of self. At Dillehay Orthodontics, we specialize in transforming our patients through treatment to improve their smiles. If you’ve noticed your teeth have shifted over time or are finally taking the plunge after months of consideration, here are 4 reasons adults can benefit from getting treatment with braces. 

#1 – Braces Are Good For Your Health

Many adults find that braces actually help improve overall health. Certain orthodontic issues, such as an overbite or underbite, must be fixed to prevent further complications or even surgery. Braces also provide many other health benefits. Common health problems such as headaches, jaw pain, digestion and sleep issues can be avoided by getting braces.

Braces can help you fight cavities, reduce your risk of gum disease, and avoid expensive dental procedures like tooth extractions. Specific orthodontic issues like jaw misalignment can wear down your teeth, which can leave your teeth chipped, cracked, or even gone altogether, which can be costly for you in the long run. 

#2 – Braces Build Good Habits

One major concern adults have when transitioning to braces is the maintenance required to keep them clean. While braces can be an adjustment for most patients, they are typically minor and quickly adapt. In addition to a small learning curve, this maintenance can encourage habits that increase overall oral cleanliness. 

The extra care and attention that goes into cleaning your teeth with braces lead to an overall healthier, cleaner mouth. Straighter teeth can also make cleaning easier, with less room for plaque and bacteria to grow inside. This decreases your risk of cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease. It can also give you more access to your gum line, which makes flossing much easier.

#3 – Braces Prevent Major Problems

While their primary function is to straighten your teeth, braces can ultimately save you major problems for common issues if left unaddressed over a long period of time.

An overbite is when your upper teeth overlap with your lower teeth. It can cause tooth wear and damage. Misaligned jaws can result in chronic jaw pain, among other problems. Orthodontic treatment can fix your overbite and improve your smile.

An underbite is when your lower teeth extend outward further than the upper front teeth. It can cause difficulty with chewing, swallowing and speaking. Tooth enamel can wear down, and it increases your chance of developing tooth decay and other dental issues.

4 Reasons To Get Adult Braces

Open Bite
An open bite is a gap between your upper and lower teeth. It means your teeth do not align properly when your jaws are closed. It can cause frequent biting of your inner cheeks and tongue, the development of a lisp and mouth breathing.

#4 – Braces Come In So Many Options

The world of orthodontics is constantly progressing with technology and treatments getting more advanced. With the ever growing developments in the industry, your treatment options are as varied as they’ve ever been. At Dillehay Orthodontics, we have the latest tools and treatments to ensure your comfort as you work for a brighter smile, including

Metal Braces

Traditional metal braces are a classic treatment option for getting a beautiful smile. Metal braces are bridged together using metal brackets and arches to help straighten your teeth over time. They are typically made of stainless steel and nickel, making the brackets very durable. 

Traditional metal braces are a great way to an even better smile. Traditional metal braces are a great way to get an even better smile. They’re an effective option for treating many orthodontic issues and can close gaps. They also align the teeth relatively quickly. Remember, the treatment and care of your braces are essential. Your diet, hygiene routine, and check-ins all factor in the effectiveness of your treatment. Metal braces also help teach proper oral care. 

Clear Braces

Like metal braces, clear braces use brackets and wires to help straighten teeth. They are made of ceramic material and are also set with brackets. Clear braces are a popular choice for those who want to blend in during treatment. 

The main benefit of getting clear braces is that they are easy to disguise. With the slightly smaller frame, clear braces are designed to blend in with your teeth for a more natural look. 

However, it’s important to note that clear braces are more fragile than traditional metal braces. They can also discolor from things like juice or coffee between visits, so it’s important to be careful when choosing clear braces for treatment.  

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners use a series of invisible aligners to help straighten your teeth. They are typically removable and are designed to fit comfortably on your teeth as they work to enhance your smile. 

Clear aligners are a great option for patients who had braces when they were younger and just need a touch-up. They also work well for patients who have mild to moderate dental problems. While clear aligners are a great alternative to braces, there are a few things to note when using aligners to ensure the most effective treatment possible. 

Clear aligners don’t require any metal, making them easy to apply and use during treatment. As you progress in the teeth-straightening process, the aligners will slowly shift your teeth into place. Each tray is made to slightly shift your teeth until they are perfectly aligned into a new and improved smile.

4 Reasons To Get Adult Braces

Get The Smile That’s Right For You With Dillehay Orthodontics

It’s never too late to get the perfect smile. Our team at Dillehay Orthodontics is ready to get you started on your orthodontic journey. Whether you want more information or you’re looking to begin treatment, our office locations are in East Wichita, West Wichita, and Derby, and our satellite office is in Pratt. We’re proud to offer expert orthodontic treatment to patients of all ages, so call us today and let’s get you started with a free consultation!